馃殌 GistMD: Pioneering Population Health Management (PHM) Solutions
In an era where the healthcare landscape is rapidly evolving, GistMD stands at the forefront of Population Health Management (PHM)…
In an era where the healthcare landscape is rapidly evolving, GistMD stands at the forefront of Population Health Management (PHM)…
Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the art of engagement has emerged as a powerful force, transforming the way…
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Improved patient engagement post-discharge, through remote education, monitoring, and intervention, increases adherence rates and decreases readmission rates1. Research indicates that:聽聽60%…
Patients often leave the hospital with little to no knowledge of their own diagnosis and how their treatment will go….
The traditional paternalistic approach to medicine in which the patient has very little influence in decisions concerning his or her…
In 2019, the National Health Council created a rubric to promote patient engagement and voice in the healthcare system. The…